Steering Comittee

Andreas Papandreou

Program Director

Dimitrios Balios

Associate Professor

Anna Lazou

Associate Professor

Evangelia Siachou

Assistant Professor

Andreas A. Papandreou

Andreas A. Papandreou is a Professor in the Economics Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He received his B.Sc. in Economics from the University of London, Queen Mary College, and his M.Sc. in Economics from London School of Economics. He became a Doctor of Philosophy at Merton College, Oxford University, in 1990.

Dr. Papandreou has over 35 years of academic experience in various Universities, including University College London and Harvard. His research and published work are mostly in the fields of environmental economics, institutional economics, political economy, and welfare economics. Among his publications are “Externality and Institutions” (1998) Oxford University Press.

He is a member of the Climate Change Impacts Study Committee (CCISC) of the Bank of Greece that completed the first comprehensive study of the impacts of climate change on Greece, prepared the Greek National Adaptation Plan and recently published the Economics of Climate Change. He is the Director of the MSc in Philosophy and Management at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens as well as the Director of an ESG management training program at the same university. He is the Director of the Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab (PESD) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a Co-chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network Greece (SDSN Greece).


I was born in Athens. After completing compulsory education, I studied Philosophy, Theology and Law at the University of Athens, during which time I also completed my military service. During my secondary education and university studies, I attended foreign language courses; I studied English at the British Council and German at Walter Gleiss Institute.
During academic year 1990-1991, after taking the relevant postgraduate exams at the Institute of State Grants (I.K.Y.), I was awarded a grant by Chrysovergion Foundation. I subsequently renounced the said grant, as I was elected Special Postgraduate Fellow in the faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy & Psychology of the University of Athens.
My appointment as Special Postgraduate Fellow essentially constituted my introduction to the field of philosophical questioning. My collaboration in the educational and research undertakings in the field of philosophy at the University of Athens rendered my service there the equivalent of further education. I participated in the above through the presentation of two papers ( “The Paradox in Philosophy” and “The Argument in Philosophy”) in postgraduate seminars in my field. In addition, during my service at the Philosophical Workshop I was given the opportunity not only to advise students during the writing of their assignments but also the chance to delve into the extensive philosophical bibliography.
Between 1992-1995, I contributed to the organization of the Erasmus Student Exchange Programme, which operated between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Rome ( “La Sapienza” ) and the University of Nottingham in the U.K.
From 1989 to 2002, I served as a High School and Lyceum teacher at the private school “ Moraitis”. I also taught Ethics at the National School of Public Administration, as well as at the Postgraduate School for Police Officers . Furthermore, I edited a series of books on philosophy and the proceedings of various conferences on philosophy before their publication.
In 1997, I was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy with first-class honours by the University of Athens. The topic of my doctoral thesis was “Natural Theology and Natural Law in the Philosophy of Sophists in the 5th century BC”
Ιn brief, in the field of philosophy of the faculty of Philosophy, Pedagogy & Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens I have served as:
a) 1991-1997: Special Postgraduate Fellow
b) 2003-2007: Lecturer
c) 2007-2011: Assistant Professor (non-tenured)
d) 2011-2012: Assistant Professor (tenured)
e) 2012- 2016: Associate Professor
f) 2016- present: Professor
The above teaching positions were all on the subject of Ethics.

Dimitrios Balios

Dimitrios P. Balios is an Associate Professor of Financial Accounting in the Department of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He earned his doctoral degree in economics from NKUA in 2006. Throughout his career, he has participated in numerous research programs at both NKUA and the University of Piraeus. From 2003 to 2008, he served as the Director of Analysis Departments for several stock exchange companies.

He has taught undergraduate courses at the Department of Economics of NKUA, within the Division of Business Administration - Finance, as well as at the Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus. Additionally, he has instructed post - graduate programs at NKUA, the Hellenic Open University, the Open University of Cyprus, the University of Nicosia, the National Technical University of Athens, and TEI Piraeus. His teaching subjects include Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, and specialized topics in Accounting and Finance such as costing, financial management, and investment analysis. Furthermore, he has contributed to various educational programs for companies and banks, including certifications for the Bank of Greece.

Since 2022, Dr. Dimitrios Balios has served as the Director of the "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens MBA" program, and he has been a member of its Academic Committee since 2015. Additionally, since 2019, he has been a member of the Study Program Committee for the "Philosophy and Administration" postgraduate program at NKUA, where he also served as Director for two academic semesters. Since 2021, Dr. Balios has been the Director of the Laboratory for Education and Application of Accounting in the Department of Economics at NKUA.

His research interests center on the application of various Financial Reporting Standards (such as Greek GAAP, IFRS, and IPSAS), the quality of accounting information, the analysis of financial statements, and the development of credit rating models based on accounting data. His articles have received accolades, including a conference Best Paper Award, and have been published in numerous prestigious international scientific journals, including the Journal of Corporate Finance, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Research in International Business and Finance, Applied Economics, Cogent Economics and Finance, and Managerial Finance.

Anna Lazou

Born in Athens, Associate Professor in Anthropological Philosophy Athens University (since 2023); she studied Philosophy and Theatre in Athens and London. She studied for about 6 years (1984 – 1990) at Birkbeck College of London University submitted her PhD Dissertation to the Philosophy Department of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2006 with the title Man, Nature, and Action in the texts of the young Karl Marx and the perspective of linguistic philosophy.. She has received a theatre acting diploma, a diploma in music (classical guitar and theory). She lives in Athens and works for amateur theatre plays that she creates with her students and other artists that follow her artistic groups Drys and Dryos Topoi. Author of various dissertations and articles, among them, Orchesis - Texts on Ancient Greek Dance 2003 (author & coeditor) –in English and “Mental Events and the Body: The case of the stage action of the actor” 2009, article in Greek (edit. Prof. Marika Thomadaki), “Dance as an Object of Scientific Investigation and Philosophy. Preliminary Remarks”. Epistēmēs Metron Logos, 0(3), 60-92. “Socratic ‘Acting’: Experiencing Dialectic”, Athens 2020, 195-208, “The Concept of Therapy in Ancient Greek Texts and Dance Practices” Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 3, August 2021, 1-10. “Play, measure, harmony: the Experience of Time in Poetic Thought” (in Greek, Φιλοσοφείν, v. 22, June 2020: 35-48, “Man and Measure: Comments on the Crisis of Civilization”, International Philosophical Forum Anadrasis, Φιλοσοφείν, Τεύχος 15, January 2017, ISSN: 2241-4401 (print), (on-line), ISBN: 978-618-829355-0-2. Republished, Ammon Publications, Athens, 2019, pp. 49-69 eta. At present she teaches philosophy, on the undergraduate and postgraduate level, also e-learning and open courses and theatre at the University open courses on multidisciplinary grounds; she composes and directs plays for University-theatre and dance theatre: she has organized and participated in performances, run festivals, workshops and symposia for the above areas of interest. She intends to start an international program of body and dance techniques and philosophy for lifelong learning and therapeutic practices in the context of Athens University and finalize her long-term research on ancient Greek dance. Director of the Laboratory of Art & Philosophy of Athens University. Chief editor and publisher of a series of collective volumes (Philosophy, Art, Ancient Dance), Conference Proceedings and one journal (PATh)

Evangelia Siachou

Dr. Evangelia Siachou is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management at the Department of Economics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a Ph.D. in the field of Knowledge Management (Athens University of Economics and Business), an M.Sc. in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management (London School of Economics), and a Bachelor’s degree in International and European Studies (Panteion University of Athens).

She has several years of experience teaching Human Resource Management and Management courses in both undergraduate and graduate programs (University of Athens MBA and M.Sc. Philosophy and Management, Open University of Cyprus, Hellenic Open University, Liverpool University, International Hellenic University). Her dedication to academic teaching was reflected in the Faculty Excellence Award that Dr. Siachou received from Liverpool University in 2019.

Dr. Siachou has been the recipient of the Emerald Literati Award twice: in 2016 with the Highly Commended Paper Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence and in 2019 with the Outstanding Paper Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence. Recently, she has been also recognized for her academic service with the Best Reviewer Award (15th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business).

In addition to her teaching, Dr. Siachou has served in various academic leadership and administration roles. Her past work experience settings include the Strategic Planning Department of ATHOC 2004 (Olympic Games) as well as the Human Resource Department of the Centre for Development of Enterprise (CDE) under the aegis of the European Commission in Brussels.