
Who can apply to this program


Candidates with a degree in philosophy, pedagogy, economics, law, socio-political, science or polytechnic departments or history departments from recognised institutions of higher education in Greece or abroad are accepted to the Postgraduate Studies Program. Candidates will be selected based on strictly meritocratic criteria.

Graduates from Greek Higher Education programs or Technological Education Institutes and from foreign institutions that have been recognized as equivalent with Greek degree programs, can apply to our program. Graduates of Military Schools are also eligible to take part in the selection process. A prerequisite for enrolment in the Program is that a student must have successfully completed his/her undergraduate studies by, at the latest, the examination period in September of the relevant year of enrolment.

Why you should choose our program


1. Job Opportunities: Enhance your prospects for securing employment in both domestic and international markets.
2. Career Advancement: Increase your chances of progressing in your current workplace.
3. Competitive Edge: Gain a prestigious edge in both the private and public sectors.
4. Global Connections: Establish direct links with the Greek and international labor markets.
5. Innovative Management: Move beyond traditional management methods to embrace cutting-edge global trends.
6. Public Sector Focus: Special emphasis on developing skills for public sector managers.
7. Prestigious Degree: Earn a degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, recognized for its leading international partnerships (AACSB International).
8. Research Opportunities: Engage in original research projects with international scope.
9. Language Options: Choose from Greek-language, bilingual (Greek-English), and foreign-language (English) departments.

Detailed Program Objectives


In today’s complex, modern, and globalized economic environment, our Master’s program in the public and private sectors aims to:

1. Meet Labor Market Needs: Equip the labor market with qualified scientists who are well-versed in theory, research, and practical application, enabling them to address contemporary challenges effectively.
2. Develop Leadership Qualities: Foster the personal development and training of leaders and managers, emphasizing a people-centric approach.
3. Train in Key Areas: Provide specialized training in crisis management, corporate governance, and corporate ethical responsibility.
4. Promote Integrated Thinking: Encourage an integrated perspective, moving beyond the traditional view of organizations as collections of isolated, independent functions and departments.
5. Enhance Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to enable faster, more effective problem-solving, decision-making, and planning.
6. Encourage Innovative Thinking: Implement a knowledge-based approach to work that inspires innovation and breaks down the barriers of conventional management thinking.

Program description


• Full-time - duration three (3) academic semesters
• Part-time - duration up to (6) academic semesters
• The Master of Philosophy and Management degree is awarded upon successful completion of the 12 courses in the program of study.
• Each course corresponds to 6 four-hour lectures during one semester.
• Successful completion of the course leads to the Postgraduate Diploma in Philosophy and Management.
• The educational method is based on face-to-face teaching (theory, examples, exercises, case studies, etc.), distance learning and face-to-face meetings, videoconferencing, laboratory applications and videos, examinations (assignments, exams), notes, electronic material, libraries

Course Descriptions

1st  Semester

Economics for managers
The aim of the course "Economics for Managers" is to strengthen the knowledge of economic theory and its interactions with both governments and financial and capital markets. Teaching focuses on economic analysis and extensive reference is made to the practical issues of macroeconomic policy. The main objective of the course is to enable managers to make decisions based on the broader financial and economic environment (domestic, regional and global). Students are introduced to a) the interconnections between the main macroeconomic problems facing modern economies, b) the characteristics of the economic policies pursued by the state in the context of regulating the business cycle and c) the impact of all these on business.
Presentation and Analysis of Financial Statements
The purpose of the course "Presentation and Analysis of Financial Statements" is to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to collect and manage accounting and financial information that will form the basis on which they will apply appropriate techniques to understand, comment and make management decisions using accounting and financial data. The main objective of the course is for students to understand, through the analysis of fundamental principles, procedures and tools, the philosophy and the usefulness of the acquisition and management of accounting information with the goal of evaluating and achieving financial balance of the modern enterprise. In addition, with this course we intend to provide knowledge that will lead students to recognize the basic Accounting Statements and understand methods of financial analysis. For a better understanding of all the concepts and procedures that will be presented, the theoretical background will be accompanied by numerous practical examples using appropriate tools and widely available software programs (such as Microsoft Excel) and case studies of Greek companies.
Ancient Greek Philosophy and Management
The aim of the course is to provide a broad overview of ancient Greek philosophy, and particularly its philosophically fundamental aspects, on which the principles of modern management are based. In the course, students will focus on philosophical ideas and concepts such as: justice or virtues that are inextricably intertwined with actions of an economic or business nature. The main aim of the course is for students to understand, among other things, the importance of the thought of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Epicureans, Sceptics, etc., for today's management and business, and at a more analytical level, to learn to evaluate and personalize specific principles and values by dynamically drawing conclusions between wisdom, business leadership and economic processes - organizations. In addition, this course develops critical thinking and self-awareness as a guide for management towards the "Aristotelian end" and the "good deed" of the individual, the company and society.
Human Resource Management
The aim of the course "Human Resource Management" is to introduce students to the basic concepts of Human Resource Management (HRM) that modern organizations and businesses apply for the proper functioning of human resources (HR) and the achievement of workplace excellence. The main objective of the course is for students to acquire broad knowledge and familiarity with the basic management practices and functions of HRM (job analysis, talent attraction, employee selection, training and development of human resources, management and evaluation of employee performance, remuneration policy, health and safety at work) and to understand the role of the HRM department and the responsibilities of its managers. Further objectives of the course are to provide knowledge of high-performance work practices and specific HRM issues as well as to develop and enhance employability skills and competencies.

2nd Semester

Modern and Contemporary Philosophy and Management
The aim of the course "Modern and Contemporary Philosophy and Management" is to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for the executives of a company to productively incorporate in their professional behaviour basic lessons of modern and contemporary philosophy. The main objective of the course is to help students understand how specific philosophical theories are applied to various aspects of management, so that they can shape a more productive climate for managers. In addition, this course is intended to provide knowledge that will lead to the development of critical thinking, the effective management of ethical and moral issues, recognizing the unique personality of each manager, and the development of creative thinking exercised with responsibility and respect for the managers.
Marketing Management
The purpose of the course "Marketing Management" is to provide the required knowledge on how business executives collect information about the market and customers, process and utilize it to make good decisions in relation to segmentation, targeting and positioning the business in the minds of the target audience with the right marketing mix. The main objective of the course is, through the analysis of the fundamental principles of marketing, its basic dimensions, as well as the strategies and tools it includes, to understand the philosophy and practice of this discipline, with the aim of creating added "value" for the customer and developing strong bonds of trust with them.
Finance and Accounting
The purpose of the course "Finance and Accounting" is to present and analyze the basic practical applications of Finance and to present all the knowledge that a business executive must have to understand accounting information. The course aims to develop students' knowledge of how markets work, the various sources of corporate finance and the different techniques used to evaluate investment opportunities. In addition, this course intends to provide the required knowledge of how a firm's accounting executives collect information, process it and provide it for use by decision makers, both within the firm and outside the firm.
Managerial Ethics and Ethics of Negotiations
The aim of the course is to acquire the required knowledge related to ethics in the business world and the nature and techniques of the ethical negotiation process, in order to offer students the opportunity to resolve disputes, deal with conflicts, achieve effective communication goals and enhance their self-esteem in the professional world. The main objective of the course is for students to grasp the concept and dimensions of business ethics and to learn specific negotiation, communication, and self-assertion strategies by examining and recognizing both their own and their partners' insecurities.

3rd Semester

Business Management and Business Strategy
Business strategy is the highest level of decision in a business and therefore influences all choices and decisions (structure, marketing, human resources, etc.). The aim of this course is for students to understand the concept of strategy and to be able to analyse the strategy of a company. Also, through the course, students are invited to understand that "strategy concerns every business" and that "strategy concerns not only the top managers but all the employees of a business". The course provides the framework and tools to formulate and implement business strategies that will enable the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage. It aims to provide the skills, techniques and critical thinking that will enable students to manage not only the internal resources of the firm, but also the external networks and stakeholders of the firm as they become increasingly important in the modern economy. The course aspires to provide students with a guide for making strategic decisions and/or providing information/knowledge to managers making strategic decisions in a firm.
Logic, Epistimology and Management
The aim of the course is to build knowledge and skills through the use of philosophical theories and in particular the principles of Logic and Epistemology. As part of the course, students will focus on philosophical-scientific considerations that influence the way businesses manage the knowledge of their members. The main aim of the course is to help students understand the influence of epistemological theories in the field of knowledge management and the fact that in the knowledge society, in order to be competitive, the firm must become a "Wise" firm. Moreover, with this course we aim to analyze the conditions and characteristics of knowledge creation, organizational models of knowledge management and the application of Organizational Knowledge to address complex and multidimensional issues that develop during the implementation of knowledge management.
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance
The aim of the course "Environmetal, Social and Corporate Governance" is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and manage environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues in the broader context of sustainable development. The course covers topics such as preparing an ESG or sustainability report, ways of communicating and engaging with partners and stakeholders, assessing social, environmental and climate risks and opportunities, formulating a sustainability strategy, Sustainable Development Goals. Students learn about the challenges and opportunities for creating and implementing sustainability initiatives within the company and wider society. The course emphasizes the importance of integrating sustainability issues into business operations and decision-making processes. It also covers topics such as sustainable management of the company's supply chain, measuring effectiveness on sustainability issues using various tools such as life cycle analysis, carbon strategy formulation and sustainable finance.
Philosophical Psychology in Management
The aim of the course "Philosophical Psychology in Management" is to introduce students to the concepts and methodological / scientific prerequisites for the application of philosophical psychology - anthropology in the field of economics and business. Taking into account the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of the programme, the philosophical theories of human nature, intelligence, psyche and behaviour (creativity, consciousness, intelligence, personal identity, etc.) are examined both in a purely philosophical context - historically starting from ancient Greek thought (Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurean & Stoic philosophy) and analytically - and with extensive references to specialised issues of applied philosophy such as ethics and practice, philosophical counselling as a 'therapeutic' practice for improving self-awareness and relationships in the business world with the intended goal of optimum effectiveness and efficiency of individuals and organisations. In addition, the importance of anthropocognition in political economy is examined in the direction of a useful introduction to new concepts/theories for students on the programme.